TonicCounselling Individual and Couple Counselling and Anger Management
for Rushden, Wellingborough, Milton Keynes and Canterbury

Individual Counselling in Canterbury, Milton Keynes and Wellingborough

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Presenting IssuesCounselling and Psychotherapy

For many people making the decision to take up Counselling or Psychotherapy is difficult. They often feel that their issues and concerns are not important enough to warrant attention for fear of being seen as a ‘malingerer’, ‘time waster’ or fraud when there are people who ‘really’ need help out there. Others feel that their issues and concerns are so insurmountable and overwhelming that they are impossible to resolve. And if they expressed how they feel; that they would lose themselves or never stop crying; or that a Therapist would not be able to ‘cope’ or be unwilling to help. Others feel that no one could begin to understand how they feel or be able to help, so what is the point trying to explain it? And others feel that their ’secret’ is so terrible or damning that they would be judged and rejected if anyone knew.

Small or large; any issue or concern that is having a detrimental effect on your life or the life of your family or your personal wellbeing is worth investing in to resolve. Anything that ‘pulls you down’, depresses you, causes you stress, anxiety or fear or to devalue yourself is something Therapy can help you to overcome.

Presenting Issues

Our Therapists have a huge range of experience and below are listed some of the presenting issues that they have helped clients with. The list is in no way exhaustive but we hope it will help you understand that there is help available.
• Depression and/or Anxiety
• Low Self-esteem
• All types of childhood and adult abuse including sexual, physical, emotional and neglect.
• Relationship Issues
• Anger and Aggression
• Substance Misuse
• Addictions
• Anxiety and OCD
• Infertility
• Bereavement and loss of all forms
• Bi-polar and Schizoid
• Personality Disorders including BPD
• Adoption, Fostering and Abandonment
• Work place issues
• Sexual Dysfunction
• Sexual Identity (coming to terms with)
• Illness, Disability and Surgery
• Trauma

Individual Counselling #01

Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling and Psychotherapy, when practiced by a properly trained, qualified and developed Therapist, offers a unique opportunity to engage with how you feel and think and with your past and present experiences, within a safe, supportive, non-judging, nurturing and healthy environment. It is a positive opportunity to work perhaps on the most difficult elements of your life and in so doing grow beyond them and be renewed.

Everything that you currently Feel, Think and have Experienced which may cause you distress and limit your happiness and life potential does not have to continue to do so. You are not alone. With help and dedication, no matter what they are, You can grow beyond your issues. Anything that plagues your life and robs you of your peace of mind; your Dignity, Value, Spontaneity, Confidence, Peace and Joy can be outgrown. Life has infinite possibilities and with help, you can realise those possibilities and make your life all that you wish it to be. Through Therapy you can realise your potential and become all that you able to be.

While many may feel that Therapy is for weak, and perhaps ‘mental’ or ‘crazy’ people; it is not. Therapy is for everyone and anyone who wants to move beyond their issues, worries and concerns or overcome personal psychological problems that degrade their lives. Through the assistance Therapy offers, you can achieve joy, and a better connection and understanding with yourself and those in your life; you can become more tolerant and peaceful; and you can achieve a sense of self appreciation that will reflect in everything you do.

Happiness is achieved when what you think, feel and do are in harmony with each other and your social and personal context; and Therapy can help you achieve this.

There is no need to ‘suffer in silence’ or ‘put up with’ things as they are. We are here to help you.

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